How to prevent becoming another statistic

**A contributed post as written for The Safe Driver.


Cars are meant to as safe as at any time in human history, yet accidents are on the rise. Forget about the reasons why because it’s a contentious issue. Some people think it’s because of legislation regarding DUIs and seatbelts, whereas others believe technology is at fault.

In many ways, it doesn’t matter. What is of significance is staying safe on the roads as no one wants to become another statistic. Yes, understanding the causes is a smart way to avoid crashes and accidents.

However, there are a few general rules which apply across the board that should secure your health. You can find them below.

Change Your Style

Canadians tend to tailgate and get as close to a fellow motorist as possible. It’s nothing overly aggressive; it’s just the culture in a lot of the parts of the country. Of course, the closer you are to the vehicle ahead, the less time there is to brake. So, it’s no wonder there are accidents when drivers don’t do themselves any favors. The good news is you can change your style quite easily. Stick to the speed limit and give the person in front at least two car lengths. Watch out for upcoming hazards too, and slow down ASAP rather than leaving it late.

Buy A New Car

Yes, this is going to cost you quite a lot of money. New cars don’t come cheap, even if you opt for a finance scheme. However, it’s money well-spent because modern vehicles have the latest technology. Sure, gadgets can distract you from the road, and you’ll need to be focused at all times. Still, a rearview camera eliminates blind spots and the potential for a collision. To find out which tech is best, check out this site for more info. Before you splash out, it’s worth noting that used cars are still an option as long as were made after 2010 as they will include a lot of stuff.


People hate filing suit because it seems like a lot of hassle. Moreover, it’s a very strong action to take as it may bankrupt someone or result in criminal charges. But, not pressing charges when another motorist crashes into you only keeps the wheels spinning. Without any repercussions, they will continue to be unsafe on the roads. This site here has info on your potential next steps. Not only will a quality lawyer secure you compensation, but he/she will make the roads safer.


One of the reasons for the increase in accidents is overpopulation. With more vehicles on the roads, accidents are occurring with alarming regularity. In many ways, you can’t stop it; you can only try and limit the damage. With that in mind, the best way to stay safe is to leave the car on the drive. Walking is healthy and boosts a person’s well-being, and it also takes them out of the firing line. Try it sometime because you may like what you feel.

Statistically, are you likely to be secure behind the wheel?