If our cars were sponge…

spongeAs a teaching tool for Young Drivers of Canada in the classroom we have magnetic cars which are made of sponge. A lot of my students think they’re cool and funny and often want to play with them during breaks and lunch. My students and I were talking about them during break recently when one of the students asked what it would be like if all of our personal vehicles we also made of sponge. So, that got me thinking…

If our cars were sponge we would probably take more chances while driving because there wouldn’t be any vehicular damage if we hit anything. Without the risk of damage to other property, bumping into other drivers wouldn’t be a big deal would it? Do you think some people would do it just because they can?

If our cars were sponge it would make parallel parking a lot easier. We could back up and stop once our sponge bumper hit the car behind us. For many people the fear of parallel parking would be gone. That would make it a lot easier to fit into those tighter spaces.

If our cars were sponge our insurance could be very lower. We wouldn’t have very many claims submitted because there would be less injuries or vehicle damage due to these soft vehicles. With the lower costs to the insurance companies to operate their businesses, there could be savings passed on to the customers.

If our cars were sponge we wouldn’t be able to drive in the rain though. As the rain would fall, it would be gathered up by our sponge vehicle, which would make our vehicle heavier; perhaps too heavy to move. The heavier vehicle would also make our fuel economy worsen. The heavier the vehicle, the more energy it would take to move it and stop it.

If our cars were sponge it would be more difficult to repair any damage. If a piece of sponge was ripped off, you wouldn’t be able to replace it. You wouldn’t be able to use heat to put pieces back as the heat like a welder would use as it would melt or burn the sponge. This would eventually make your car look a little shabby after a while.

If our cars were sponge, which they are not, our life would change as drivers. But until that happens, you’ll need to drive with respect for yourself, your passengers and other road users. And try not to sponge off anyone.If our cars were spo