Category: pedestrian safety

Should residential speed limits drop?

Remember the story of the tortoise and the hare? Remember how the tortoise won the race because they were moving slow and steady? As drivers we can learn from that story, plus much more. Not only does a slow and steady speed help you with fuel savings, it also helps you respond more easily to…

As a driver, do you…

Being involved in road safety for almost 27 years has taught me to be specific. Training any driver of any experience level it always came down to explaining what I wanted them to do, not what I didn’t want them to do. Such as the old saying; “we don’t say don’t” when giving instructions. With…

Let the kids enjoy Halloween – drive safely…if you need to drive

As written for The Insurance Hunters. Please visit their blog. Growing up, there are a few times of the year that kids really enjoy. Christmas, birthdays and of course, Halloween makes the list. Let’s not even talk about last day of school! These three favourite times of the year creates excitement galore for kids. Except…

Can you believe 10 seasons of Canada’s Worst Driver?

One of the most common conversation topics many people can relate to is the weather. If we had no weather, many people would just stop making small-talk with others. It’s a common element within our society. Something else millions of people can relate to is bad drivers. We’ve all seen them, been in the same…

A discussion regarding e-bikes

There seems to be some issue about a road vehicle lately that is causing some discussions in many communities. E-bikes are more and more common for commuters since gas prices have gone higher. The problem seems to be, are they a scooter or a bicycle, or something in between and where should these riders ride…

Back in or back out? Is there a real difference?

We are all creatures of habit so much that we rarely change what we’re doing until someone or something brings it to our attention. We do things that we always do hoping to get the same results. Does this sound like you? Well, now is the time to make some conscience changes to your driving…

Distracted driving – what you may have missed

As written for The Insurance Hunters. Please visit their blog. We’ve heard so much recently about distracted driving that we’re probably pretty tired about hearing all of the problems associated to doing it. Part of the issue is we keep barking at the same problems. People seem to block out what they’re tired of hearing,…

Right of way is about giving, not taking

One of the discussions I seem to have on a monthly basis is about right of way. It seems to be confusing to many people; drivers, pedestrians and cyclists alike. What’s your take on this confusing law? Do you have a solid understanding or does it confuse you every now and then? I often refer…