Category: driver visibility

Why would I check my mirror? I’ve already been there.

Let’s face it; we tend to look at ourselves in the mirror. It’s not really about being vain. It’s more like wanting to know that you look presentable without having any food still stuck in your teeth. Some people check the mirror to see if their hair is still looking good. I don’t have that…

Listen to them…they might actually know something

Anytime you share information with someone and they benefit from it, it seems to make it worthwhile. For all of the years I’ve volunteered coaching sports or working with Scouts Canada, it all seems worthwhile. Well, I can honestly say that with all my years as a driving instructor with Young Drivers of Canada, I…

The smart way to safely deal with school buses

As written for The Insurance Hunters. Please visit their blog. Remember the saying “You can’t see the forest because of the trees”? I think that’s very true for many drivers throughout our community when it comes to school buses. Many drivers know what to do when asked, but many times fail to do it. It’s…

Blame it on the rain…

We’ve had a lot of rain lately and that got me thinking; what goes through a driver’s mind when they’re driving in the rain? Do most drivers just think about the fact they’re dry while inside their vehicle? Are they most concerned about their visibility or is it their traction? This intrigued me so I…

Go ahead, be an athletic supporter….but do it safely

I’d like to say that I’m a very supportive person. If anyone in my family wants to do something a little different but safe, I support them. I know how important it is for them, even if I wouldn’t do it myself, so I know supporting them is the proper thing to do, again, provided…

Summer packing – how to do it properly

As written for The Insurance Hunters. Please visit their blog.   As long as I can remember, my dad was always very good with puzzles; especially jigsaw puzzles. He had the patience to put things where they belonged to benefit him later. Maybe that helped him when he had to pack the family vehicle for…

Back in or back out? Is there a real difference?

We are all creatures of habit so much that we rarely change what we’re doing until someone or something brings it to our attention. We do things that we always do hoping to get the same results. Does this sound like you? Well, now is the time to make some conscience changes to your driving…

Driving without road signs

Ever since we were kids we were always told what to do. We either grew up with our parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles and even siblings telling us what we should do and should not do. For those who get married, that role is transferred over to our spouse. When we get a job our…