Category: dashboard warning lights

Why live in a pot hole?

Looking after our vehicles is part of every vehicle owner’s job and driver’s job. Having a vehicle that’s running smoothly means it’ll be a safer vehicle to drive. Ensuring the brakes work properly for example means you can stop in an emergency if needed. Ensuring the wipers clear a smooth space across the windshield means…

The facts about anti lock brakes

There are a lot of things we believed in as kids. We all had a difficult time sleeping on December 24th because Santa was coming. We all knew how Easter eggs arrived and how a tooth turned into money under our pillow while we slept. We got this information from our parents and we believed…

Are you pumped?

There are many things we need to do as a driver; from proper observational skills, to co-ordination, response time, and early thought processing, but what about the ability to pump gas? Does it take skill, luck or any knowledge whatsoever? How many times have you seen drivers do it incorrectly that it makes you chuckle…

Do you have a hot car?

As we dive into summer, I look forward to our family vacation. My wife and four kids and I are off to a cottage this summer. To prepare ourselves for a trouble-free drive of 5 hours, I took our van in for a check up. The sad news was that our air conditioning wasn’t working….

I have some gas…

Vehicle problems happen to all of us from time to time. It doesn’t just happen to owners of older vehicles, but to newer vehicles as well. Regardless of the age of your vehicle, it’s important to be mentally ready in case a mechanical breakdown occurs. Are you ready? Recently, Toyota has been in the news…

I’m warning you!

How many times have you been driving when, suddenly, a dashboard warning light pops up, but you’re not quite sure you know what’s wrong? Even though our Young Drivers of Canada course covers typical dashboard warning lights, I always remind my students that it’s a good idea to refresh their knowledge by reviewing the owner’s…