More drivers are turning to responsible and eco-friendly vehicle options

It wasn’t too long ago that vehicles powered by gas were the only option.

These days, there are a number of alternatives to running on petrol when it comes to your vehicle. With car pollution on the rise, more people are turning to energy-efficient cars as a viable option.

While you may not be ready to make the transition, it seems that eco-friendly vehicles are the way of the future. Let’s take a look at some ways you can reduce your carbon footprint now with the vehicle you have.


1.     Small But Effective

There are a number of simple, yet effective ways that you can become more responsible with the vehicle that you have and reduce your carbon footprint.

The first tip is to carry out all of your errands at once, so you’re not making multiple trips. Secondly, get rid of any unnecessary weight you’re carrying around with you. While you may use that stroller in the boot every now and then, it’s affecting your carbon emissions with each trip.

Thirdly, try putting cruise control on when you are able to.

2.     Change The Way You Drive

If you drive in the city, things can get stressful and tense at times. However, if you’re speeding and accelerating unnecessarily, you could be increasing your carbon emissions for no reason.

Instead, try to keep your driving calm and consistent. This will both save you money on gas, and help reduce your carbon emissions.

3.     Inflate Your Tires Correctly

When you have properly inflated tires, your gas mileage improves significantly. It’s also important to use the right motor oil for your engine and to check your engine regularly.

These factors can increase your fuel efficiency and ultimately help to reduce your carbon footprint. The better your car is running, the more efficient it’s going to be.

4.     Opt For A Cargo Rack

If you’re the type of family that often need a bit of extra space, try investing in a cargo rack instead of upgrading your vehicle to a 4WD or SUV. A cargo rack is only going to set you back a few hundred dollars.

A cargo rack is also a better option than a rooftop box. A rooftop box is not only more expensive, but it’s going to increase your aerodynamic drag and lead to lower fuel efficiency.

5.     Drive A Vehicle That’s Fuel Efficient

If you’re someone who already does all of these things, then perhaps you’re ready to take the next step and invest in an energy efficient car.

While electric cars still emit carbon emissions, they’re still a lot better for the environment than traditional vehicles. There are three different types of energy efficient cars: electric, hybrid, and gas-powered fuel efficient.

As you can imagine, each have their advantages and disadvantages. Electric cars only rely on a battery that you recharge, while hybrid vehicles depend on both a battery and gas. Gas-powered fuel efficient vehicles are designed with a smaller engine and weigh less than other cars, making them much more efficient when it comes to how much fuel they take to run.

What’s great about fuel efficient cars is that you’ve got three different options to choose from. It all depends on your personal preferences.

Final Thoughts

As more and more cars are put on the road, air pollution isn’t getting any better.

While there’s no one simple solution to this issue, there are some practical steps we can all take to reduce our individual carbon footprints. By thinking about how we drive and possibly choosing the electric car route, we can be more conscious of the environment and take responsibility for our actions.