Are you a talker?

As a parent it’s always a great feeling when you child says their first word. After a few years, you really wonder what the big deal was because by now they won’t stop talking. As a society, we tend to talk a lot and sometimes when there’s no one there to talk to, we just talk to ourselves. Admit it; you do the same thing, don’t you?

How often do you talk to yourself? Better yet, how often do you talk to or at people who can’t hear you? You know what I mean; when you see someone do something you don’t like you tend to make comments aloud that they are magically supposed to hear. Many people do this each time they drive. I’ve done it. My friends and family have done it. I really think we’ve all done it at some point in time. But why?

We all know people who will often curse at other drivers and no, we don’t really need any examples here. They tell me it makes them feel better because they’ve vented about another driver’s bad driving choices. Really? Wouldn’t that just get you more riled up? Maybe make you grumpier and drive with a negative attitude most of the time. Wouldn’t you build the habit of doing this more often when you drive? And what would your kids think if you constantly “talked” to other drivers and called them names? And heaven forbid having your mom in the vehicle hearing you talk to these people like that.

Do you talk to other drivers? Do you ask questions of other drivers even though they can’t hear you? I’ve been with licensed drivers and also many participants from Canada’s Worst Driver when they would “speak” to the other drivers on the road expecting they could hear them and respond to their question. What’s the purpose of that? Was it to help them feel better or were they actually expecting the driver to respond to their wishes? I’d often hear “Move it!”, “What are you, stupid?” or even “Smart move!” from drivers. Where they actually expecting a response?

Part of the problem here is that you end up distracting yourself and focusing your attention on their actions and not your own driving. You need your mind completely on your own driving, so why criticize someone else’s driving errors when you’re probably making your own errors at that very moment?

So, what have you said while driving to other drivers even though they can’t hear you? Do you only curse toward them or do you just criticize them aloud? Would you ever compliment the other road users aloud in your vehicle even though they can’t hear you? I’d love to hear your comments. Just don’t make your comments to this when you’re by yourself. I won’t be able to read your lips.