Category: learning to drive

You can’t fix…well, you know

I do think most people have done something in their lives they regret, something that if they could back in time they would it differently. There may even be some remorse with their actions. However, I also believe there are also people out there that have no remorse for what they’ve done wrong. So much…

Sharing a wealth of knowledge…

It’s no secret that road safety is my passion. Many of us have a passion. Some have a passion for cooking delicious foods, some for sports and others have a passion to do the best possible job while on their job. For those of us with a passion, it’s difficult to keep that passion to…

3 Things New Drivers Should Always Remember

**A contributed post as written for The Safe Driver   It can be tough for new drivers. Whether you’re just starting to learn or you’re on the road on your own, there are a few things you need to remember. Read on to find out what they are!   Never Give In To Peer Pressure…

If the unexpected is expected is it really unexpected?

Let’s face facts, there are a lot of things we trust in our lives, especially when it comes to driving. We trust drivers will stop at red lights and not blow through the intersection, we expect drivers will check to see if it’s clear before changing lanes and we never expect to get into a…

Will new laws teach us to play nice with others?

Rules; we have them whether you like it or not. Rules as a kid growing up helped mold us into responsible adults. Rules in school helped to guide us while we were educated. And rules throughout our adult life help to keep us in line. After a while it seems we forget about some of…

Reasons why I promote road safety…and you should too

I’ll sometimes be asked why I write about so many basic driving techniques. It’s simple; not everyone had these skills taught to them when they first learned to drive and others were taught them, but had completely forgotten them over their years of driving. Other reasons I write these types of articles – to get…

Do you retaliate to horn honking?

No one’s perfect; I get that. Mistakes do happen and if we’re lucky, we can learn something from them. But let’s be honest with ourselves; no one wants to make a mistake and many people dislike being told when they do make a mistake. Driving takes teamwork and the ability to swallow your pride if…

It’s not the road that causes the crash

Raising four kids has taught me a lot. One of those things it taught me is to get my facts straight before I lay blame. It also taught me to do that with other things in life as opposed to jumping to conclusions. Driving is one of those things. Many times I’ve heard how people…