Category: flow of traffic

Tips for Safe Driving

**A contributed post as written for The Safe Driver Whether you are an experienced driver or you are just about to get your driving license, safety should be your top priority. Being too safe is impossible especially in winter when bad weather can totally change the way your brakes and wheels behave. Modern cars are…

It’s driving quiz time!

In today’s world, many people like to challenge themselves. Sometimes it’s through sports, or competitions, or even through education. So far I’ve done a couple of driving quizzes; one for commuters and a winter quiz. I thought it’s time for a quiz to see what kind of a driver you. How’s your general driving knowledge?…

The winter driving quiz is here!

When it comes to winter driving most people deny they have any problems handling bad road conditions. Despite what we may think, winter weather comes and goes each year. We can’t do anything about the snow, ice and high winds, but we can learn to be prepared to make the best choices possible while driving….

Turning left on a red light?

If you think about it, there are a lot of rules to learn when you’re learning how to drive. I’ve had many people ask me if certain rules still applied as they did when they first learned to drive. Sometimes, what they thought was a rule never was. Perhaps they were given wrong advice or…

Back in or back out? Is there a real difference?

We are all creatures of habit so much that we rarely change what we’re doing until someone or something brings it to our attention. We do things that we always do hoping to get the same results. Does this sound like you? Well, now is the time to make some conscience changes to your driving…

How long?

Rarely a day goes by that my kids and I aren’t joking around with each other. They all have a good sense of humour and always seem to follow my lead. We recently started to play a game called “How Long?” where I ask them questions and they have to answer. Most of the questions…

Follow rules or use common sense?

As I raise my 4 kids I often set up rules for them to follow. These rules are designed to keep them safe but also to teach them respect. Some of the rules we put in place as parents are only partial rules. The remaining part of the rules comes with allowing our kids to…

Is there value in “buses only” lanes?

I’m a big supporter of my community and saving our environment. I will walk or ride my bike when I can and I also plan my trips so I can avoid wasting fuel, time and money. I look for ways to do that every day. However, when I see a waste that also affects many…