Month: October 2010

How do you get there from here?

When you’re trying to get directions to a place you haven’t been to before, how do you find your way? Some people may use a map, a GPS or even something like Google maps or Map Quest. I know people who prefer to use landmarks to give directions. Maybe you do the same. Speaking with…

Staying between the lines

We know there are things we’ve done in our past that we regret. Since we can’t go back in time, I try to think about my future actions before I do them. This is especially true when it comes to driving. How conscious are you of your driving actions? Are you aware of the repercussions…

Doing the right thing can save a life

I was recently talking to new instructors when they asked how I get ideas for these articles. Most of the time I get ideas from people I speak with and from the media reports of crashes. Other times I see something happen and I take a photo of it. Keeping my camera handy always helps….

How many drivers really know what yielding means?

Drivers across our country seem to have a different interpretation to a lot of driving rules. Most drivers won’t admit it, but I see it happen almost every day that I drive. The one that I witness most often is the difference between stopping and yielding. Is there a difference? When do you not have…

Lights on…action!

Ever since the early 1990’s, Canadian made vehicles came equipped with automatic Daytime Running lights. These low wattage headlights came on as soon as the driver started the engine and released the parking brake. This was a good idea, but they weren’t very bright and would often burn out after just a few years; although…

Which rules do you follow?

Raising my kids has been an adventure. They’re all old enough to recognize good from evil; most of the time. They will also tend to do a lot of things they see me do. You know the saying; monkey see – monkey do. Do you think kids will copy the bad things you do? I…

Space, what space?

We all realize how important it is to keep space around our vehicles whenever we drive. Well, most of us realize this. Actually, probably only a handful of drivers know about this space issue. Are you one of the privileged few? I will often see drivers tailgate each other and that makes their driving more…

Let’s protect our future….

Posted in the October 14, 2010 edition of the Hamilton Mountain News; We all remember the rules we had growing up; rules in schools and rules at home. These rules were to get us ready for being an adult. I know that many of us didn’t like the rules that teachers, coaches and our…